This week we reached another major milestone in that the floorboards were started. They had to raise the level of the old part of the house with batons, as the two parts are not level (surprise surprise). Then they started to unload the wood into

the house and lay the planks. The apprentice told us this was the longest single length he had laid since he started work (but he's only been working for a few months!) Anyway the spotted gum with secret nails looks good so far.

The tilers have finished the bathrooms but still need to finish grouting. One serious problem in the kids bathroom is that the toilet cistern has been plumbed wrongly

(bottom fed rather than wall fed). So we asked him to re plumb it and he smashed the tiles with a sledge hammer (by the looks of it). So now we need to get the plasterer to redo the wall, then the tiler and then the plumber again. On a positive note, the kids bath looks great.

The carpenter started work on Wednesday. We gave up waiting for the wood and went to buy it piecemeal as the doors were still not available. He lined the stairs with ply ready for the carpet, and also built the small flight of stairs to the garage. We

are thinking we may line these stairs with the spotted gum rather than tiles.
Mark also did a huge cleanup operation at the weekend- why are subbies so messy and why can't they clean up ttheir own crap?