Lo and behold the tiler turned up today and did the splashback in the kitchen. More importantly though, he sealed the bath and the four corners of the bathroom with silicone - which means, although there is still no shower screen, we can now take a shower. Praise be - 4 weeks of baths....oh no, three weeks of baths (and one week of nothing!) is enough.
So what's next/left?
The electrician still has some major work to do. Power in the kitchen, rangehood, heated towel rack plus lights/heater in the bathroom. Lights in four of the rooms and the hallway, plus finish off wiring in the TV.
Painter can now finish off all of the odd jobs such as ceiling in kitchen and bathroom, kitchen walls, bathroom window and hallway around bathroom/linen cupboard.
Showerscreen, new taps and vanity installed.
Heating system installed.
Shutters installed.
So we are finally beginning to get there.
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